Kapha Regulating
Part of Beginner’s dosha-regulating Quantum Yoga sequence trilogy downloads
The trilogy was designed for people new to yoga, in particular vinyasa (breath-synchronised movement) practice, but also for those yogis who require a back-to-basics approach as part of a restorative regime or simply in order to establish better structure and alignment, as well as cementing a fundamental understanding of key features pertaining to body and breath. Each sequence is about an hour and a quarter long, and in accordance with the Quantum Grouping and Sequencing System, divided into ten different parts, resulting in a physiologically safe and energetically balanced dynamic practice. Gentle introductory movements, pranayama (breathing exercises), chanting, meditation and final relaxation techniques compliment an otherwise flowing yoga journey. The Assessment Methods in Quantum Yoga, which seek to facilitate individualised optimal practice, are based on the holistic approach of Ayurveda, the healing and medical arm of the ancient Indian Vedic sciences. Each sequence regulates a different Ayurvedic dosha or body-mind constitution in turn, meaning that Movin ‘ On Up, which counteracts kapha-dominance, the dosha responsible for our material substantiality, is the most invigorating, stimulating and cleansing. Note to the experienced yogi: Just because the new sequences are suitable for beginners doesn't mean the practices are easy. In fact, they consist of simple but precise flowing movements in honest harmony with the breath. In other words, established vinyasa yogis too, will benefit from these practices, and might even find that going back to the drawing board helps highlight harmful habits and lazy unconscious cheats that are holding you back from advancing and truly excelling in your yoga practice. The three dosha-regulating Beginner's sequences were filmed at OmStation3 London in November 2011 in collaboration with YogaChezMoi. You can also opt to just purchase each Dynamic Flow section (i.e. Ashtanga Vinyasa, Shivananda, or Tripsichore-style Sun Salutations). -
Kapha Regulating
The Quantum Yoga Intermediates video trilogy represents a launch pad towards self-practice, and these can either be watched as an informative guide or used as real-time instruction to practice alongside to. Here Lara teaches each Basic Quantum sequence to a student who is typical for their biological constitution, or dosha. It shows case studies in which physical and emotional impediments are integrated and overcome by embracing the Ayurvedic holistic approach of recognizing body-mind type and applying this to Quantum Yoga practice. Each download also includes a succinct introduction to Quantum Yoga. Yoga increases prana‚ the life force that brings vitality, health and happiness to the individual. Often through a sedentary life-style, a lack of inspiration and consumption of unhealthy foods, a person feels heavy, toxic and depressed. This means that a dynamic asana practice that maximises the aspect of vinyasa and incorporates invigorating, cleansing and stimulating postures should be developed. A Mandala in its basic form is a circle, which represents the spiralling upward motion that is encouraged in this sequence and echoes the mystical rising of kundalini shakti. It also symbolises a cosmic diagram, based on the sacred geometry of the macrocosm as reflected in the microcosm of the human body. We use this sacred geometry in yoga to re-align the body in such a way that allows an even and balanced flow of energy. Thus in the Lotus Mandala, the strength and stamina inherent in the human organism in particular and the universe as a whole is drawn upon to realign itself with its true sublime shape. -
Kapha Regulating
Yoga increases prana – the life force that brings vitality, health and happiness to the individual. Often through a sedentary life-style, a lack of inspiration and consumption of unhealthy foods, a person feels heavy, toxic and depressed. This means that a dynamic asana practice that maximises the aspect of vinyasa and incorporates invigorating, cleansing and stimulating postures should be developed. A Mandala in its basic form is a circle, which represents the spiralling upward motion that is encouraged in this sequence and echoes the mystical rising of kundalini shakti. It also symbolises a cosmic diagram, based on the sacred geometry of the macrocosm as reflected in the microcosm of the human body. We use this sacred geometry in yoga to re-align the body in such a way that allows an even and balanced flow of energy. Thus in the Lotus-Mandala, the strength and stamina inherent in the human organism in particular and the universe as a whole is drawn upon to realign itself with its true sublime shape. The artists who have contributed the music for this album use technology not to undermine or compete with natural sound, but rather to compliment and highlight its supreme beauty. Ill. chart incl. All net revenue from sales of this double-album CD go to the Usha Yoga charity. www.ushayogafoundation.org -
This highly stimulating and invigorating sequence is designed to regulate kapha, the Ayurvedic dosha (body-mind constitution) elementally defined as earth and water. The image of the powerful salmon leaping in the air as it swims upstream, is the ultimate inspiration when one seeks to cultivate dynamic movement and the joy and exhilaration that come with it. According to Ayurveda, organic movement i.e. a strong metabolism is the key to health and vitality. Like salmon, a fish that migrates up to 6000 km to the ocean, only to return to its natal fresh water stream to spawn (the navigation of which still baffles scientists), kapha-types tend to have a strong, unwavering resolve and great stamina. The challenge is to get the ball rolling safely and sustain this high-frequency pace. Lara guides Judith, a yogini with kapha-tendencies in her Ayurvedic prakriti (nature), through the sequence, offering alternative simpler poses, whilst demonstrating the more challenging asana. By being acutely aware of the natural movement of the breath, the laws of physics and what that means for positioning to “defy” gravity, riding the momentum, maximizing prana (vital life force), and establishing a stream of consciousness, the yogi taps into sattva guna, the enlightening quality in all things. This differentiates yoga practice from conventional exercises routines, leading to a transformation that goes well beyond the physical. The Video Download includes an introduction to the general principles of the Quantum Method, as well as an explanation of Ayurveda (Science of Life) and how an understanding of its basic principles supports the assessment of one’s ideal practice. Bandha exercises for core control and cleansing (kriya) are also included. -
This highly stimulating and invigorating sequence is designed to regulate kapha, the Ayurvedic dosha (body-mind constitution) elementally defined as earth and water. The image of the powerful salmon leaping in the air as it swims upstream, is the ultimate inspiration when one seeks to cultivate dynamic movement and the joy and exhilaration that come with it. According to Ayurveda, organic movement i.e. a strong metabolism is the key to health and vitality. Like salmon, a fish that migrates up to 6000 km to the ocean, only to return to its natal fresh water stream to spawn (the navigation of which still baffles scientists), kapha-types tend to have a strong, unwavering resolve and great stamina. The challenge is to get the ball rolling safely and sustain this high-frequency pace. Lara guides Judith, a yogini with kapha-tendencies in her Ayurvedic prakriti (nature), through the sequence, offering alternative simpler poses, whilst demonstrating the more challenging asana. By being acutely aware of the natural movement of the breath, the laws of physics and what that means for positioning to “defy” gravity, riding the momentum, maximizing prana (vital life force), and establishing a stream of consciousness, the yogi taps into sattva guna, the enlightening quality in all things. This differentiates yoga practice from conventional exercises routines, leading to a transformation that goes well beyond the physical. The DVD includes an introduction to the general principles of the Quantum Method, as well as an explanation of Ayurveda (Science of Life) and how an understanding of its basic principles supports the assessment of one’s ideal practice. Bandha exercises for core control and cleansing (kriya) are also included.