Advanced Sequence . Pitta-regulating
There is Beauty in Imperfection. Having the strength to face your weaknesses is truly empowering. The pitta-type, elementally defined as fire, has the tendency to be goal-orientated and focus on result rather than process. The flavour of the Beauty sequence is one of openness, organic movement, playfulness and a lack of constriction. Stilling and cooling postures are integrated into an otherwise ambitious mix of asana.
- Dosha Regulated: Pitta (Fire / Water)
- Primary Energetic Effect: Calming, Cooling, Refining
- Peak Pose: Bhujapid – Koundinyasana Vinyasa (When regulating pitta, the aim is to cultivate even energetic expenditure, so a peak pose as such is avoided.)
- Theme: Beauty in Imperfection
- Level: Experienced/Advanced
- Music: A cool compilation of chilled tunes