Beginner Sequence . Pitta-regulating
Cool It regulates the fiery pitta temperament, the dosha responsible for digestion, and is thus soothing, even, playful and subtly challenging. The sequence begins with a long seated meditation to hone the activities of the mind, which includes pranayama (breathing) in conjunction with the application of bandhas (internal muscular “locks”) and mudras (energetic “seals”). The Tripsichore-style Sun Salutations that follow are particularly graceful, making space for freer movement and greater creativity. This mood of delight and playfulness carries through the rest of the sequence, and fills even the more challenging parts with joy and freedom. We end with a head-standing vinyasa and the skilled use of props to enhance the shoulder-stand, as well as a final cooling pranayama.
- Dosha Regulated: Pitta (Fire/Water)
- Primary Energetic Effect: Cooling, Soothing, Balancing
- Level: Beginner to General