Heroes Yoga Sequence


Intermediate Sequence . Pitta-regulating

The Heroes sequence is cooling and calming to teach the pitta or fire-type how to expend energy evenly whilst flowing smoothly through a challenging sequence. Heroes is accompanied by Modern Music and Mantras, the melodic female voices and the genuine healing intention expressed further support the gentle yet firm attitude that strikes the balance of sthira sukam asanam, “posture should be steady and pleasant”.

  • Dosha Regulated: Pitta (Fire/Water)
  • Primary Energetic Effect: Calming, Cooling, Refining
  • Peak Pose: Quantum Mini-sequence (When regulating pitta, the aim is to cultivate even energetic expenditure, so a peak pose as such is avoided.)
  • Theme: Karma and the 3 types of action, Strength versus Power, Shakti
  • Level: General
  • Music: Modern Music and Mantras

Other pitta-regulating sequences : Cool It . Beauty