Birds Yoga Sequence


Intermediate Sequence . Vata-regulating

The Birds sequence is grounding and strengthening to settle and channel the air element that is characteristic of vata, the biological humour responsible for movement. Birds will be accompanied by the healing sounds of nature and recordings of Shamanic rituals, which bring the practitioner into a closer rapport with Pachamama or Mother Earth. From such a steady and loving foundation, the transcendence of mental fluctuations is supported, paving the journey to ultimate freedom.

  • Dosha Regulated: Vata (Air)
  • Primary Energetic Effect: Grounding, Stabilising, Strengthening
  • Peak Pose: Eka Pada Raja Kapotasana
  • Theme: Freedom
  • Level: General
  • Music: Healing Sounds from Nature

Other kapha-regulating sequences : Lotus Mandala . Leaping Salmon