Kapha Regulating
Yoga increases prana – the life force that brings vitality, health and happiness to the individual. Often through a sedentary life-style, a lack of inspiration and consumption of unhealthy foods, a person feels heavy, toxic and depressed. This means that a dynamic asana practice that maximises the aspect of vinyasa and incorporates invigorating, cleansing and stimulating postures should be developed. A Mandala in its basic form is a circle, which represents the spiralling upward motion that is encouraged in this sequence and echoes the mystical rising of kundalini shakti. It also symbolises a cosmic diagram, based on the sacred geometry of the macrocosm as reflected in the microcosm of the human body. We use this sacred geometry in yoga to re-align the body in such a way that allows an even and balanced flow of energy. Thus in the Lotus-Mandala, the strength and stamina inherent in the human organism in particular and the universe as a whole is drawn upon to realign itself with its true sublime shape. The artists who have contributed the music for this album use technology not to undermine or compete with natural sound, but rather to compliment and highlight its supreme beauty. Ill. chart incl. All net revenue from sales of this double-album CD go to the Usha Yoga charity. www.ushayogafoundation.org