• Pitta Regulating

    The Quantum Yoga Intermediates video trilogy represents a launch pad towards self-practice, and these can either be watched as an informative guide or used as real-time instruction to practice alongside to. Here Lara teaches each Basic Quantum sequence to a student who is typical for their biological constitution, or dosha. It shows case studies in which physical and emotional impediments are integrated and overcome by embracing the Ayurvedic holistic approach of recognizing body-mind type and applying this to Quantum Yoga practice. Each download also includes a succinct introduction to Quantum Yoga. Yoga represents the methods and means that lead to a direct experience of the divine essence of reality. This sacred practice is approached with focus and discipline, referred to as tapas or spiritual fervour, whilst at the same time cultivating joy and encouraging playfulness. The body is purified through the heat generated from asana (postures) - vinyasa in conjunction with ujaii pranayama. The mind in turn is stilled and one's general disposition becomes cool and clear. A hero is neither aggressive nor reluctant to act, but instead masters the skill of balancing force with yielding. This sequence incorporates many variations on the hero's pose (Virasana) and is designed to smoothly strengthen every part of one's being. Thus it creates a steady platform from which to embrace our true form, realise our creative potential and bravely express our wild and loving nature.
  • Pitta Regulating

    Yoga represents the methods and means that lead to a direct experience of the divine essence of reality. This sacred practice is approached with focus and discipline, referred to as tapas or spiritual fervour, whilst at the same time cultivating joy and encouraging playfulness. The body is purified through the heat generated from asana (postures) - vinyasa  in conjunction with ujaii pranayama. The mind in turn is stilled and one’s general disposition becomes cool and clear. A hero is neither aggressive nor reluctant to act, but instead masters the skill of balancing force with yielding. This sequence incorporates many variations on the hero’s pose (Virasana) and is designed to smoothly strengthen every part of one’s being. Thus it creates a steady platform from which to embrace our true form, realise our creative potential and bravely express our wild and loving nature. The word mantra is derived from man-“mind” and -tra “to cross over” or “liberate”. On this double-album CD, these exalted phrases are repeatedly uttered in a musical way and the resulting vibration of healing sound, more even than their lyrical content, is said to carry transformative powers. A fully illustrated sequence chart is included.
  • Pitta regulating

    Part of Beginner’s dosha-regulating Quantum Yoga sequence trilogy downloads

    The trilogy was designed for people new to yoga, in particular vinyasa (breath-synchronised movement) practice, but also for those yogis who require a back-to-basics approach as part of a restorative regime or simply in order to establish better structure and alignment, as well as cementing a fundamental understanding of key features pertaining to body and breath. Each sequence is about an hour and a quarter long, and in accordance with the Quantum Grouping and Sequencing System, divided into ten different parts, resulting in a physiologically safe and energetically balanced dynamic practice.  Gentle introductory movements, pranayama (breathing exercises), chanting, meditation and final relaxation techniques compliment an otherwise flowing yoga journey. The Assessment Methods in Quantum Yoga, which seek to facilitate individualised optimal practice, are based on the holistic approach of Ayurveda, the healing and medical arm of the ancient Indian Vedic sciences. Each sequence regulates a different Ayurvedic dosha or body-mind constitution in turn, meaning that Cool It regulates the fiery pitta temperament, the dosha responsible for digestion, and is thus soothing, even, playful and subtly challenging. Note to the experienced yogi: Just because the new sequences are suitable for beginners doesn't mean the practices are easy. In fact, they consist of simple but precise flowing movements in honest harmony with the breath. In other words, established vinyasa yogis too, will benefit from these practices, and might even find that going back to the drawing board helps highlight harmful habits and lazy unconscious cheats that are holding you back from advancing and truly excelling in your yoga practice. The three dosha-regulating Beginner's sequences were filmed at OmStation3 London in November 2011 in collaboration with YogaChezMoi. You can also opt to just purchase each Dynamic Flow section (i.e. Ashtanga Vinyasa, Shivananda, or Tripsichore-style Sun Salutations).  
  • Pitta Regulating

    This short video contains purely the Tripsichore-style Sun Salutations (Suryanamaskar) (from the Dynamic Flow of the Cool It sequence)
  • Beauty DVD



    There is Beauty in imperfection. Having the strength to face your weaknesses is truly empowering. The fiery pitta-type tends to be goal-orientated and focus on result rather than process. In accordance with the Quantum method, which seeks to optimize practice taking into account one’s temperament and present tendencies, this indicates that the focus needs to be shifted towards the cultivation of smooth transitions and an even expenditure of energy. This supports one’s ability to be present in the moment. Keeping the respiration even to result in true vinyasa, where breath leads and movement follows, puts you in touch with your natural flow, instead of directing the stream of life’s events through volition only. Stilling and cooling postures are integrated into an otherwise ambitious mix of asana that with skill and dedication coalesce beautifully. The flavour of the Beauty sequence is one of openness, organic movement, playfulness and a lack of constriction. The practitioner is encouraged to recognize how a softer approach of releasing, rather than pushing, and allowing, rather than forcing, will result in a far more profound transformation. We explore ways of imbuing the practice with receptivity and also simply having more fun with it. It often comes as a surprise that as a result previously impossible asana can now be approached more fluidly and ultimately mastered. Lara guides Volker, a yogi with pitta-dominance in his Ayurvedic prakriti (nature), through the sequence, offering alternative simpler poses, whilst demonstrating the more difficult asana. The DVD includes an introduction to the general principles of the Quantum Method, as well as an explanation of Ayurveda (Science of Life) and how an understanding of its basic principles supports the assessment of one’s ideal practice. Bandha exercises for core control and cleansing (kriya) are also included.

    There is Beauty in imperfection. Having the strength to face your weaknesses is truly empowering. The fiery pitta-type tends to be goal-orientated and focus on result rather than process. In accordance with the Quantum method, which seeks to optimize practice taking into account one’s temperament and present tendencies, this indicates that the focus needs to be shifted towards the cultivation of smooth transitions and an even expenditure of energy. This supports one’s ability to be present in the moment. Keeping the respiration even to result in true vinyasa, where breath leads and movement follows, puts you in touch with your natural flow, instead of directing the stream of life’s events through volition only. Stilling and cooling postures are integrated into an otherwise ambitious mix of asana that with skill and dedication coalesce beautifully. The flavour of the Beauty sequence is one of openness, organic movement, playfulness and a lack of constriction. The practitioner is encouraged to recognize how a softer approach of releasing, rather than pushing, and allowing, rather than forcing, will result in a far more profound transformation. We explore ways of imbuing the practice with receptivity and also simply having more fun with it. It often comes as a surprise that as a result previously impossible asana can now be approached more fluidly and ultimately mastered. Lara guides Volker, a yogi with pitta-dominance in his Ayurvedic prakriti (nature), through the sequence, offering alternative simpler poses, whilst demonstrating the more difficult asana. The Video Download includes an introduction to the general principles of the Quantum Method, as well as an explanation of Ayurveda (Science of Life) and how an understanding of its basic principles supports the assessment of one’s ideal practice. Bandha exercises for core control and cleansing (kriya) are also included.
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